Sunday, June 17, 2012

How to choose fruits and veggies

At cooking group a couple days ago some of us were talking about how to choose the best fruits and veggies.  This is a guide I found at "Eat This Not That". Hope you find it useful. 
~Julia Shah

Peak Season: September to May
Perfect Pick: Firm and heavy for its size with smooth, matte, unbroken skin and no bruising. The odd blemish (read: worm hole) or brown "scald" streaks do not negatively impact flavor. The smaller the apple, the bigger the flavor wallop.
Handle with Care: Keep apples in a plastic bag in a crisper away from vegetables. Here, they should remain edible for several weeks.
Peak Season: March to June
Perfect Pick: Vibrant green spears with tight purple-tinged buds. Avoid spears that are fading in color or wilting. Thinner spears are sweeter and more tender.
Handle with Care: Trim the woody ends and stand the stalks upright in a small amount of water in a tall container. Cover the tops with a plastic bag and cook within a few days.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Firm to the touch without any sunken, mushy spots. They should not rattle when shaken—a sign the pit has pulled away from the flesh.
Handle with Care: To ripen, place avocados in a paper bag and store at room temperature for 2 to 4 days. To speed up this process, add an apple to the bag, which emits ripening ethylene gas.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Ripe bananas have uniform yellow skins or small brown freckles indicating they are at their sweetest. Avoid any with evident bruising or split skins.
Handle with Care: Store unripe bananas on the counter, away from direct heat and sunlight (speed things up by placing green bananas in an open paper bag). Once ripened, refrigerate.
Peak Season: June to August
Perfect Pick: Plump, uniform indigo berries with taut skin and a dull white frost. Check the bottom of the container for juice stains indicating berries have been crushed. Those with a red or green tinge will never fully ripen.
Handle with Care: Transfer, unwashed, to an airtight container and refrigerate for 5 to 7 days. Blueberries spoil quickly if left at room temperature.
Peak Season: October to May
Perfect Pick: Rigid stems with tightly formed floret clusters that are deep green or tinged purple. Pass on any with yellowing heads—they will inevitably be more bitter.
Handle with Care: Place in a plastic bag and store in the refrigerator for up to 1 week.
Peak Season: May to September
Perfect Pick: The stem end should have a smooth indentation. Look for a sweet aroma, slightly oval shape, and a good coverage of netting. The blossom end should give slightly to pressure. Avoid those with soft spots—an indication of an overripe melon.
Handle with Care: Ripe cantaloupes should be stored in plastic in the fridge for up to 5 days, after which they begin to lose flavor.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Smooth and firm with bright orange color. Avoid those that are bendable or cracked at the base, or that have patches of frosty white on their skin. Bunches with bright green tops still in place are your freshest choice.
Handle with Care: Store carrots with the greens removed in the crisper in a plastic bag for up to 3 weeks.
Peak Season: September to November
Perfect Pick: Ivory white and compact florets with no dark spotting on them or the leaves. The leaves should be verdant and perky.
Handle with Care: Refrigerate, unwashed, in a plastic bag for up to 1 week. If light brown spots develop on the florets, shave off with a paring knife before cooking.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Solid, tight stalks with only a few, if any, cracks and vivid green, not yellowing leaves. The darker the celery, the stronger the flavor.
Handle with Care: Sturdy celery can be stored in the fridge in a plastic bag for 2 weeks.
Peak Season: August to September
Perfect Pick: Good weight to them with tight, shiny, wrinkle-free skin. When they're pressed, look for them to be springy, not spongy. The stem and cap should be forest green, not browning.
Handle with Care: Store eggplants in a cool location (not the fridge) for 3 to 5 days. Eggplants are quite sensitive to the cold.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Bulbs should be uniform in color, with no browning and a clean, fragrant aroma. Smaller bulbs have a sweet flavor similar to licorice. Leave bulbs with wilted tops, called fronds, behind.
Handle with Care: Separate the greens and bulbs and keep each, unwashed, in plastic bags in the refrigerator for 3 to 5 days. Wilted fennel can be revived in ice water.
Grapefruit (also oranges)
Peak Season: October to June
Perfect Pick: Opt for a heavy fruit (a sign of juiciness) with thin skin that is a tad responsive to a squeeze. Small imperfections in color and skin surface are not detrimental to the sweet-tart flavor. Yet, avoid any that are very rough or have soft spots. The same criteria apply for oranges.
Handle with Care: Store refrigerated for 2 to 3 weeks.

Peak Season: June to December
Perfect Pick: Plump, wrinkle free, and firmly attached to the stems. There should be no browning at the stem connection, but a silvery white powder ("bloom") keeps grapes, especially darker ones, fresher longer. Green grapes with a yellowish hue are the ripest and sweetest.
Handle with Care: Loosely store, unwashed, in a shallow bowl in the fridge for up to 1 week.
Green Beans
Peak Season: April to October
Perfect Pick: Vibrant, smooth surface without any visible withering. They should "snap" when gently bent and appear moist on the inside.
Handle with Care: Refrigerate, unwashed, in an unsealed bag for up to 1 week.
Peak Season: Year-round
Perfect Pick: Dark blue-green color with moist, jaunty leaves. The smaller the leaves, the more tender the kale. Avoid wilted foliage with discolored spots.
Handle with Care: Peppery kale is best kept in the fridge tightly wrapped in a plastic bag pierced for aeration, where it will last for 3 to 4 days.


Peak Season: June to August

Perfect Pick: A ready-to-devour kiwi will be slightly yielding to the touch. Steer clear of those that are mushy, wrinkled, or bruised with an "off" smell.
 Handle with Care: Store at room temperature to ripen. To quicken the process, place in a paper bag with an apple. Once ripened, place in the fridge in a plastic bag for up to 1 week.


Peak Season: Lemons, year-round; limes, May to October

Perfect Pick: Brightly colored, well-shaped with smooth, thin skin. They should feel sturdy but give every so slightly when squeezed. Small brown splotches on limes do no affect flavor (although they are a sign of deterioration and those with splotches should be consumed first).
Handle with Care: Store at room temperature, in a dark location, for about 1 week or refrigerate for up to 2 weeks.

Lettuce: Romaine

Peak Season: Year-round

Perfect Pick: The ideal Caesar salad staple has crisp leaves that are free of browning edges and rust spots. The interior leaves are paler in color with more delicate flavor.
Handle with Care: Refrigerate romaine for 5 to 7 days in a plastic bag.


Peak Season: April to August

Perfect Pick: Mangoes to be eaten shortly after purchase should have red skin with splotches of yellow, and the soft flesh should give with gentle pressure. Mangoes for later use will be firmer with a tight skin, a duller color, and green near the steam.
Handle with Care: Ripen at room temperature until fragrant and giving. Ripe mangoes can be stored in the fridge for up to 5 days.


Peak Season: Year-round

Perfect Pick: Nicely shaped with no swelling at the neck and dry, crisp outer skin. Lackluster onions have soft spots, green sprouts, or dark patches.
Handle with Care: Keep onions in a cool, dark location away from potatoes for 3 to 4 weeks.


Peak Season: Year-round

Perfect Pick: Beginning to turn yellow and somewhat-yielding flesh when lightly squeezed. Avoid papayas that are awash in green, have dark spots, or are shriveled. Blotchy papayas often have the most flavor.
Handle with Care: Once ripe, eat immediately or refrigerate for up to 3 days. Unripe, greener papayas should be ripened at room temperature in a dark setting until yellow blotches appear.


Peak Season: June to September

Perfect Pick: Fruity aroma with a background color that is a yellow or a warm cream color. Those destined for immediate consumption yield to gentle pressure along their seams without being too soft. For future intake, opt for those that are firm but not rock hard.
Handle with Care: Store unripe peaches at room temperature open to air. Once ripe, transfer to the refrigerator and consume within 2 to 3 days.


Peak Season: August to February

Perfect Pick: Pleasant fragrance with some softness at the stem. The skin should be free of bruises, but some brown discoloration (russeting) is fine. Firmer pears are preferable for cooking use.
Handle with Care: Ripen at room temperature in a loosely closed brown paper bag. Refrigerate once they're ripe and consume within a couple days.


Peak Season: March to July

Perfect Pick: Look for vibrant green leaves with a bit of softness and a sweet, fragrant aroma from the stem end. Avoid spongy fruit with brown leaves and/or a fermented odor.
Handle with Care: Keep a pineapple with a weak aroma at room temperature for 2 to 3 days until it softens slightly. Then refrigerate for up to 5 days.


Peak Season: August to December

Perfect Pick: Pick pomegranates that are weight for their size with glossy, taut, uncracked skin that is deep red. Gently press the crown end—if a powdery cloud emanates, the fruit is past its prime.
Handle with Care: Stored in a cool, dry location, pomegranates keep fresh for several weeks (up to 2 months in the fridge).

Potatoes: Sweet or White

Peak Season: Sweet, September to December; white, year-round

Perfect Pick: Unyielding, with smooth undamaged skin. Avoid if bruised, cracked, or green tinged. Loose spuds tend to be better quality than bagged.
Handle with Care: Outside of the fridge, in a cool, dark place separated from onions, white potatoes will last for months. Sweet potatoes, however, should be used within a week.


Peak Season: May to November

Perfect Pick: Plump and dry, with good shape and intense, uniform color. Examine the container carefully for mold or juice stains at the bottom. Raspberries with hulls attached are a sign of underripe, overly tart berries.
 Handle with Care: Place highly perishable raspberries, unwashed, on a paper towel in a single layer. Cover with a damp paper towel and refrigerate for no more than 2 to 3 days.


Peak Season: March to May

Perfect Pick: Opt for bunches with leaves that are crisp and verdant green, with no spots, yellowing, or limpness. Thin stems are best, as thick ones are a sign of more bitter, overgrown leaves.
Handle with Care: Pack unwashed spinach bunches loosely in plastic bags and store in the fridge for 3 to 4 days.

Squash: Butternut

Peak Season: September to November

Perfect Pick: Should feel dense for its size with a rind that is smooth, hard, uniformly tan, and free of splits. Being able to easily push a fingernail into the rind or scrape bits off indicates an immature, less flavorful squash.
Handle with Care: Butternut should be stored outside the fridge in a cool, well-ventilated, dark place, where it will stay edible for up to 3 months.


Peak Season: June to August

Perfect Pick: Seek out unblemished berries with a bright red color that extends all the way to the stem. Good berries should have a strong fruity smell and be neither soft and mushy nor hard and firm. Smaller strawberries often have more flavor than the oversized megamart versions.
Handle with Care: Place unwashed strawberries in a single layer on a paper towel in a covered container. They will last for 2 to 3 days in the fridge.


Peak Season: May to August

Perfect Pick: Look for heavy tomatoes that are rich in color and free of wrinkles, cracks, or bruises. They should have some give, unlike the rock-solid ones bred for transport. Too soft, though, and the tomato is likely overripe. Off-season, select smaller types like Roma and cherry tomatoes.
Handle with Care: Never store tomatoes in the fridge; the cool temps destroy flavor and texture. Keep them at room temperature out of direct sunlight for up to 1 week.


Peak Season: May to August

Perfect Pick: Dense, symmetrical melons that are free of cuts and sunken areas. The rind should appear dull, not shiny, with a rounded, creamy-yellow underside that shows where ground ripening took place. A slap should produce a hollow thump.  (seeded has more flavor than seedless)
Handle with Care: Store whole in the fridge for up to 1 week. The cold prevents the flesh from drying out and turning fibrous.


Peak Season: June to August

Perfect Pick: Purchase heavy, tender zucchini with unblemished deep-green skins that are adorned with faint gold specks or strips. Smaller zucchini are sweeter and more flavorful.
Handle with Care: Refrigerate in the crisper in a plastic bag for up to 5 days.

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